Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fay Bainbridge & Lytle Beach

Smith swimming to meet dad on the ferry

Smittyism: Fasting

Smith fasted for the first time on Sunday.  He skipped breakfast, and didn't eat until the sacrament (at approximately 10:15 a.m.).  While waiting for the bread to come to our pew, Smith said to me, "Dad, instead of bread, I wish they gave us meat."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blue/Black-Berry Fields Forever

Smith likes the mushy kind
Rosey likes all the kinds

So does Whitley

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Maiden Voyage to Bainbridge Island

Adam just picked up Whitley and the kids from the airport.  Smith is excited.  Rosey is too scared to look.

View of Seattle from the car on the way to the ferry.  Smith and Rosey could see Adam's building.  Laine is still looking.

On the ferry, headed to Bainbridge Island

Pulling up the drive

Breaking in the dance floor.

Sleeping on the floor, the night before the trucks arrive
The morning after, first breakfast in the nook

The day after.  Waking up to the fog off the Puget Sound.